Thursday, 5 January 2017

The truth sets us free

Once I heard a second-rated stanza, it was Hati pe Hati Hati pe Hati, after listening to this, I was expecting another bad line. He again said 'Hati pe Hati, Hati pe Hati. (he Paused little bit and again said) Hati pe Hati, Hati pe Hati. After so many repetitions, obviously I was irritated and asked for next line.
Finally he said 'BALANCE DEKH BALANCE'
After listening second line 'BALANCE DEKH BALANCE', I started inferring from it, generally we don't expect such a balance, but in case of lies, to hide a lie, a thousand lies are needed, we put lies over lies. If we don’t expect such balance then why we put mountains of lies over one another? Sensibly we shouldn't but commonly we do. It is so common not to use common sense.

Benefits of lies

On the other hand 'benefits of lie' are more attractive than 'Truth'. Lies help our ruthless desire for self-advancement but truth doesn’t, egotism loves it. You can find many examples around you, like “ethical corporate world”.
Actually, the fault exists on both the sides. When we face some adverse realities, that we were not prepared to tackle, we resort to vitriolic comments. In response to it, we start by bitter remarks and anger. The fear of adverse comments and stinging remarks forces us to first hide, and then be careful about sharing the truth. After that our world moves around it. We become satellite to move around ‘Sun of lies’ with extra sense for protecting truth and projecting lies. Now lies become stronger than truth, and if TIME forces us to share truth, nobody will accept. Then it becomes a fact 'that you are a liar' with truth. Your conscience hates yourself. It engages your brain in useless thoughts. Lying causes self-criticism and depression. Earlier fake calmness and current unrest of mind questions you - ‘Why do you share truth? It is better to keep hiding’. This experience sets new beliefs of hiding 'Truth'. Throughout your life you live with fake appearance, poker faces. But on the other hand if you are honest, truth tellers, the fear of lies will never a question for. You could sleep well; it's the truth with your conscience that sets you free. ‘Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth’. ­–Buddha said.

How to face people after you have committed a mistake? Generally, this is treated as a big deal by people. The best recourse is to meet the concerned person and tell them everything truthfully. You might have heard of ‘mea culpa’, meaning ‘I committed crime’. This philosophy is worth practicing.

The white lies –Exaggeration

Exaggeration of facts is nothing but air-pumped reality. If the reality is small, and you portray it is as a huge mountain, then that is white lies. You say truth but exaggeration makes it lies. You can’t be trustworthy anymore.

If you follow the path of loyalty you don’t have to carry the extra luggage of lies. You will never contradict with your own words, and you do not need to remember anything. Honesty causes self-confidence and pride.


  1. The biggest problem with lying is that you need to remember your lie for a long time.

  2. Every human knows lying is bad yet humans lies. We are living in a society where lies are portrait as truth & everyone accept that lie as truth even when they know it's a lie. The best example is Politicians & News Channels.

  3. Every human knows lying is bad yet humans lies. We are living in a society where lies are portrait as truth & everyone accept that lie as truth even when they know it's a lie. The best example is Politicians & News Channels.
